Eastern Promises

Emptier than I expected, but Viggo gives a great performance.

Wristcutters: A Love Story

Quirky and cute.

Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky

Somehow I think the manga must've been better. This was probably the goriest movie I've ever seen, and besides that, it was pretty dopey, but it did have a couple of worthwhile moments. The only plot argument I have is that although he's fighting against corrupt jailers, he's also fighting to free legitimate criminals who actually belong in jail, which is a little weird.

You Don't Mess with the Zohan

I didn't realize this was going to be 75% sex jokes. Still, a typical Adam Sandler movie.


Much more engaging than I expected, but the ending was terrible.

Bubble Boy

Yay Jake Gyllenhaal..even if his hair is a little weird in this one. Way better than I was expecting. All the people he meets on his journey are great.

There Will Be Blood

Daniel Day-Lewis makes this movie awesome, and the milkshake line is just one of several great moments.