30 Days of Night

There can't be much story here and I didn't like Josh's performance, but other than that this movie definitely delivers, especially in the gruesome department.

Knocked Up

This had its moments, but mostly the lead was completely un-likable and the ending was unrealistic and full of lame. Ben's friends were the best part.

The Zodiac

I watched this for an hour before I began to seriously question my assumption that it involved Jake Gyllenhaal. It wasn't bad, but of course there can't be a satisfying ending.


Crowe enjoyed this role way too much.

Johnny Mnemonic

Gibson did a great job writing this screenplay. The costuming/art direction was good too, but Keanu's terrible acting nearly ruined all of it.

28 Weeks Later

This world is great. I think this movie was just as good as the first one. I liked the family theme, and the awesome music works just as well here as it did originally. I didn't like the ambiguous ending as much, though.